【@ 台北】巫日文個展--春 秋 夢 Jhychen Wu Solo Exhibition - The Dream in Time Flow
開幕酒會:2009.2.14 (六)
主辦單位:斯依畫廊 Lili藝術空間
地 址:台北市中山北路六段760號2樓
Jhychen Wu Solo Exhibition - The Dream in Time Flow
Date: Feb 11 – Mar 1, 2009
Reception: 3pm-6pm, Feb 14 (Sat) 2009
Curator: Emily Chou
Organizer: Gallery 41 Lili Art Space
Venue: Lili Arts Space
Open Hours: Mon – Sun 11:30-21:00
Address: 2F, No.760, Sec 6, Zhongshan N. RD., Taipei
Telephone: 02-28760798
There are hardly any Chinese artists nowadays who will make paintings of historical personages. After demonstrating his 10-year-long fieldwork on people who have made contributions to Taiwan through The Face Code, Wu presents works on exploring the face of historical personages again at the prelude of 2009.
Portraits are very common in both Oriental and Western art. These include painting kings, nobles, sages, religious or mythological personages etc. Artists in olden days served either the religion or their countries and left their works for the later generations to see the people and scenes at the time of the artists and portraits in different styles from their works, giving audiences endless room for imagination and showing people the history education functions these works carry.
Back to the XXI Century, Wu has re-created these historical personages from his imagination and re-defined these historical personages with representational and abstract expressions. As a result, these personages are no more objects on the tableau, because Wu has hidden them under a set of new symbols he created. Though these personages remain unchanged, they are presented in a multidimensional change in brushing. These historical personages are part of “history”, because they existed in the past. Wu re-shapes these old personages with new vocabulary known as the “Wu’s language”. Horizontal, vertical, semi or spiral brushing, Wu prefers making changes to the personage’s face with brushes after painting it, forming a kind of discourse between history and modernity. Instead of the faces with which we are familiar, they are connecting with us in the expressions of the new age.
斯依畫廊 Gallery 41
Lili藝術空間 Lili Arts Space